NexiGo 2.5K 144Hz 16'' Portable Gaming Monitor, 500Nits, FreeSync, G-SYNC Compatible, 10Bit, HDR, Dual Speakers, HDMI USB-C, PC/PS5/Switch, Built-in Kickstand with Cover, for Home/Office/Esports
$249.99 on AmazonPrice may exclude ongoing promotions & discounts. Check Amazon listing for latest info.
Reviews from Reddit:
I bought this one for the LegGo, pretty solid actually! Give it a shot: https://a.co/d/c7mQmL6
Full discussion on Reddit ->Yes it only does 120hz, BUT you get the same reso as the LegGo
Full discussion on Reddit ->I think this is going to be a definite "YMMV" type of thing, but I'm not big on Arzopa monitors. Something just seems "off" about the screens. I have one of their 14" models and it was because of that I wanted to try a different one. The build quality on their newer models like the one in the OP are good and the kickstand they use is excellent, but the screen still seemed off to me. I think the panels are just a bit too dark and blue-tinged for my liking. I ended up trying several portable monitors and was disappointed with the screens on most of them. For "gaming" displays, ghosting was a noticeable issue. I found these to be the only two worth getting: **UPERFECT M161J05** (16"/1600P/144hz) - Excellent picture and no noticeable ghosting. When I hooked it up to my laptop, I was able to run it at full brightness and 144hz without needing an AC adapter. Not sure if that would be the case with the Legion Go as I didn't try that with it when I was testing it. The monitor is made entirely of plastic and feels "cheap" compared to other portable monitors, but the screen is so good that it really doesn't matter. However, it has no built-in kickstand and needs to use its folio cover as a stand. **NexiGo NG16UFG-S** (16"/1600P/144hz) - Pretty much the same specs as the UPERFECT monitor, but it's 16:10, can get brighter at 500 nits, and the display is noticeably more vibrant- easily the best portable monitor I have ever used in this regard. This model has extra USB ports, better buttons for menu navigation, a built-in kickstand (horizontal orientation only), and full-sized HDMI-in. The build quality is excellent (almost entirely metal, too). What's the downside? If you want to take full advantage of this monitor's performance, you \*NEED\* to use it with an AC adapter. In fact, on some PCs, you'll need to use it with the AC adapter for it to even work at all. It failed to work with the AC adapter on my work laptop (a Lenovo X1 Yoga), but did work with USB-C on my Razer laptop. For the Go, you need to use it plugged in. When running it off a USB-C cable connected to my gaming laptop, I could only get it work properly at 50% brightness, speakers off, and it would only run at 120hz. This is actually OK for general usage since the screen is brighter than you'd think at this level. This monitor also tends to cost more than a lot of the others, but coupons for $40-$50 off tend to pop up pretty often on Amazon. In the end, I went with the Nexigo because I thought it was worth the small hassle of having to plug another device in to get the best picture and overall quality. Haven't regretted it.
Full discussion on Reddit ->I think this is going to be a definite "YMMV" type of thing, but I'm not big on Arzopa monitors. Something just seems "off" about the screens. I have one of their 14" models and it was because of that I wanted to try a different one. The build quality on their newer models like the one in the OP are good and the kickstand they use is excellent, but the screen still seemed off to me. I think the panels are just a bit too dark and blue-tinged for my liking. I ended up trying several portable monitors and was disappointed with the screens on most of them. For "gaming" displays, ghosting was a noticeable issue. I found these to be the only two worth getting: **UPERFECT M161J05** (16"/1600P/144hz) - Excellent picture and no noticeable ghosting. When I hooked it up to my laptop, I was able to run it at full brightness and 144hz without needing an AC adapter. Not sure if that would be the case with the Legion Go as I didn't try that with it when I was testing it. The monitor is made entirely of plastic and feels "cheap" compared to other portable monitors, but the screen is so good that it really doesn't matter. However, it has no built-in kickstand and needs to use its folio cover as a stand. **NexiGo NG16UFG-S** (16"/1600P/144hz) - Pretty much the same specs as the UPERFECT monitor, but it's 16:10, can get brighter at 500 nits, and the display is noticeably more vibrant- easily the best portable monitor I have ever used in this regard. This model has extra USB ports, better buttons for menu navigation, a built-in kickstand (horizontal orientation only), and full-sized HDMI-in. The build quality is excellent (almost entirely metal, too). What's the downside? If you want to take full advantage of this monitor's performance, you \*NEED\* to use it with an AC adapter. In fact, on some PCs, you'll need to use it with the AC adapter for it to even work at all. It failed to work with the AC adapter on my work laptop (a Lenovo X1 Yoga), but did work with USB-C on my Razer laptop. For the Go, you need to use it plugged in. When running it off a USB-C cable connected to my gaming laptop, I could only get it work properly at 50% brightness, speakers off, and it would only run at 120hz. This is actually OK for general usage since the screen is brighter than you'd think at this level. This monitor also tends to cost more than a lot of the others, but coupons for $40-$50 off tend to pop up pretty often on Amazon. In the end, I went with the Nexigo because I thought it was worth the small hassle of having to plug another device in to get the best picture and overall quality. Haven't regretted it.
Full discussion on Reddit ->I think this is going to be a definite "YMMV" type of thing, but I'm not big on Arzopa monitors. Something just seems "off" about the screens. I have one of their 14" models and it was because of that I wanted to try a different one. The build quality on their newer models like the one in the OP are good and the kickstand they use is excellent, but the screen still seemed off to me. I think the panels are just a bit too dark and blue-tinged for my liking. I ended up trying several portable monitors and was disappointed with the screens on most of them. For "gaming" displays, ghosting was a noticeable issue. I found these to be the only two worth getting: **UPERFECT M161J05** (16"/1600P/144hz) - Excellent picture and no noticeable ghosting. When I hooked it up to my laptop, I was able to run it at full brightness and 144hz without needing an AC adapter. Not sure if that would be the case with the Legion Go as I didn't try that with it when I was testing it. The monitor is made entirely of plastic and feels "cheap" compared to other portable monitors, but the screen is so good that it really doesn't matter. However, it has no built-in kickstand and needs to use its folio cover as a stand. **NexiGo NG16UFG-S** (16"/1600P/144hz) - Pretty much the same specs as the UPERFECT monitor, but it's 16:10, can get brighter at 500 nits, and the display is noticeably more vibrant- easily the best portable monitor I have ever used in this regard. This model has extra USB ports, better buttons for menu navigation, a built-in kickstand (horizontal orientation only), and full-sized HDMI-in. The build quality is excellent (almost entirely metal, too). What's the downside? If you want to take full advantage of this monitor's performance, you \*NEED\* to use it with an AC adapter. In fact, on some PCs, you'll need to use it with the AC adapter for it to even work at all. It failed to work with the AC adapter on my work laptop (a Lenovo X1 Yoga), but did work with USB-C on my Razer laptop. For the Go, you need to use it plugged in. When running it off a USB-C cable connected to my gaming laptop, I could only get it work properly at 50% brightness, speakers off, and it would only run at 120hz. This is actually OK for general usage since the screen is brighter than you'd think at this level. This monitor also tends to cost more than a lot of the others, but coupons for $40-$50 off tend to pop up pretty often on Amazon. In the end, I went with the Nexigo because I thought it was worth the small hassle of having to plug another device in to get the best picture and overall quality. Haven't regretted it.
Full discussion on Reddit ->I think this is going to be a definite "YMMV" type of thing, but I'm not big on Arzopa monitors. Something just seems "off" about the screens. I have one of their 14" models and it was because of that I wanted to try a different one. The build quality on their newer models like the one in the OP are good and the kickstand they use is excellent, but the screen still seemed off to me. I think the panels are just a bit too dark and blue-tinged for my liking. I ended up trying several portable monitors and was disappointed with the screens on most of them. For "gaming" displays, ghosting was a noticeable issue. I found these to be the only two worth getting: **UPERFECT M161J05** (16"/1600P/144hz) - Excellent picture and no noticeable ghosting. When I hooked it up to my laptop, I was able to run it at full brightness and 144hz without needing an AC adapter. Not sure if that would be the case with the Legion Go as I didn't try that with it when I was testing it. The monitor is made entirely of plastic and feels "cheap" compared to other portable monitors, but the screen is so good that it really doesn't matter. However, it has no built-in kickstand and needs to use its folio cover as a stand. **NexiGo NG16UFG-S** (16"/1600P/144hz) - Pretty much the same specs as the UPERFECT monitor, but it's 16:10, can get brighter at 500 nits, and the display is noticeably more vibrant- easily the best portable monitor I have ever used in this regard. This model has extra USB ports, better buttons for menu navigation, a built-in kickstand (horizontal orientation only), and full-sized HDMI-in. The build quality is excellent (almost entirely metal, too). What's the downside? If you want to take full advantage of this monitor's performance, you \*NEED\* to use it with an AC adapter. In fact, on some PCs, you'll need to use it with the AC adapter for it to even work at all. It failed to work with the AC adapter on my work laptop (a Lenovo X1 Yoga), but did work with USB-C on my Razer laptop. For the Go, you need to use it plugged in. When running it off a USB-C cable connected to my gaming laptop, I could only get it work properly at 50% brightness, speakers off, and it would only run at 120hz. This is actually OK for general usage since the screen is brighter than you'd think at this level. This monitor also tends to cost more than a lot of the others, but coupons for $40-$50 off tend to pop up pretty often on Amazon. In the end, I went with the Nexigo because I thought it was worth the small hassle of having to plug another device in to get the best picture and overall quality. Haven't regretted it.
Full discussion on Reddit ->I know you didn't ask... But I scored this one on Prime Day for $160, and am quite happy with it. Before this I had picked up a MagicRaven 1080p 165hz display, but I wound up returning it. I really like the 2k resolution on this one. It matches the resolution on the LeGo, and is more useful for stuff other than just gaming. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C89VVZ6R/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o04\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C89VVZ6R/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Food for thought!
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