ASUS ZenScreen 15.6” 1080P Portable USB Monitor (MB16AH-Z) - FHD, IPS, USB Type-C, Micro-HDMI, Eye Care, Speakers, Tripod Mountable, Anti-Glare Surface, Protective Sleeve, 3-Year Warranty
$174.99 on AmazonPrice may exclude ongoing promotions & discounts. Check Amazon listing for latest info.
Reviews from Reddit:
ASUS ZenScreen 15.6” 1080P Portable USB Monitor (MB16AH-Z) - FHD, IPS, USB Type-C, Speakers, Micro-HDMI, Eye Care, Speakers, Tripod Mountable, Anti-Glare Surface, Protective Sleeve, 3-Year Warranty https://a.co/d/bZIeB9y I got it for $164 when they were having their special sale and now it's 209 but I like it and it comes with its own speakers. The only problem is the phone I believe can't power the display that you're going to possibly need a adapter to convert it to HDMI and use the power cord that comes with it.
Full discussion on Reddit ->I've traveled for work for years, and once I started using duel monitors at my base office, it was driving me nuts being down to 1 when on the road. About 5 years ago I got an ASUS Zenscreen and have loved it. They come in a few sizes, power and video go through a single USB-C, and the protective cover swings around and uses magnets to turn into a multi position stand.
Full discussion on Reddit ->I have nearly this exact same setup, except with the AH-Z (can't remember difference). Bought it off Amazon Warehouse for $171 after tax in like new condition. My tripod is also bigger due to my photography but looking to downsize that. Can recommend this monitor
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